Christmas Trivia Quiz


Our CHRISTMAS TRIVIA quizzes are great FREE CHRISTMAS GAMES FOR GROUPS, and we have a variety of question levels to choose from that are fun for the entire family.

  1. Print a copy of our Christmas Trivia game for each of your guests.

  2. In order to make our trivia appropriate for your party, we have:

    a. Christmas Trivia for Young Children
    b. Christmas Trivia for Kids
    c. Easy Christmas Trivia
    d. Christmas Trivia
    e. Difficult Christmas Trivia

  3. Print one copy of the answers to have handy.

    a. Christmas Trivia for Young Children Answers
    b. Christmas Trivia for Kids Answers
    c. Easy Christmas Trivia Answers
    d. Christmas Trivia Answers
    e. Difficult Christmas Trivia


  1. You can play this in teams or individually.

  2. If you are doing this individually, make sure you have plenty of pens or pencils handy so people can mark their sheets.

  3. If you are playing in teams, you can simply ask the questions one by one, alternating which team gets to answer, or have the entire team fill out the quiz, and whichever team has the most correct wins.

Written by Dianne Weller